You want to produce green, but where do you start? With this toolkit, we help you on your way. Most importantly under Tips & Tricks you will find specific guides for each department: Art Department, Catering, Energy, Location, Production and Transport. In addition, in this toolkit you will also find a special sustainable Covid-19 toolkit.
In general, bear in mind these simple three rules:
1) Start as early in the process as possible. By the time you arrive on the set, there is little time to effectively and gracefully facilitate change.
2) Be intelligently lazy. Don’t do everything yourself. Share your vision, involve heads of departments to come up with solutions, and make someone on the set responsible. Share your results with your crew, and with others who are interested in green filmmaking.
3) Never stop asking questions. Suppliers, employees, crew members, even you- no one likes to be ordered around, and told what to do. Asking questions is the way in, and can possibly lead you into undiscovered territory. And never stop. It’s a process, it will take you some time but when you keep moving, growing, and learning, you’ll reach your goal.