Green Network


Since 2011 Green Film Making has met a lot of inspiring people from around the globe who also work in the field of sustainable film making and share our passion to go green. In this Network section we would like you to meet those people as well. Please join the green voyage of discovery by reading their profiles and if you have a great example that needs a stage: be our guest, and get in touch!


Ecoprod (France)

Ecoprod (France)

Ooh la la! The cinematic French are up next in our Who’s Who green spotlight, with their very advanced ‘Ecoprod’ initiative. This project has been working to green the industry since 2009. In order to become the established leader within sustainability and media that it is today, Ecoprod has come a long way since its inception. The Ecoprod Approach? Develop and appropriate a sustainable shift (without compromising artistic and production value) alongside the industry professionals. Bon travail! read more…

Juhi Shareef (UK)

Juhi Shareef (UK)

In our “Who’s Who in Green Film Making” series will introduce you to the most significant players in the field of Green Film Making. Our mission is to present you with an easy guide for navigating the expanding community of green production. This way, we can keep in-the-know while learning from and exchanging knowledge with each other. The first lady in green is Juhi Shareef.

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Beth Bell (USA)

Beth Bell (USA)

For the Green Film Making Project, sustainable film making usually takes us behind the scenes where we explore the new ways in which film makers and production teams work to reduce production waste, while maximizing energy efficiency. Trailblazing CEO Beth Bell however, and her Green Product Placement, draws our attention to the front of the screen where the impact of sustainable film-making is more tangible for film going audiences. read more…

Eva Radke (NYC)

Eva Radke (NYC)

As founder and president of New York City’s ambitious Film Biz Recycling project, Eva Radke can be proud of the contributions that she and the initiative have made towards a greening of the film industry. Since 2008, Film Biz Recycling has been able to work with more than 600 productions in order to divert about 800,000 lbs. (or about 400 tonnes!), of would-be-waste from the NYC disposal system. read more…

Michael Geidel (Germany)

Michael Geidel (Germany)

Despite the fact that Germany is a pioneer of change regarding sustainable energy production and consumption policies, it is lagging behind on the international scale regarding the greening of its film industry. Michael Geidel however, is helping to change that. read more…