We love it when a film comes together sustainably. However, it’s not all about ‘ACTION’, a lot of it is in the mindset too 🙂 That’s what Green Mimics is all about. Claire Arens works as a project manager for this company that focusses on setting an example in the entertainment industry.

We don’t often think about it, but film and tv can have a huge impact on us. It can even affect or change our behavior. This is especially true for kids growing up. This is where Green Mimics steps in. Claire tells us: ‘We want to create a dialogue with tv & filmmakers to promote and implement sustainable behavior in their productions. This will ultimately result in a more positive influence on the viewer. We don’t go about this explicitly, like doing tv commercials, we seek out actors and ask them to be positive role models.’ Why not show actors driving in electric cars rather than just talking about it? Green Mimics believes this is the most effective approach of changing ways for the better.

‘We are in talks with many organisations that offer sustainable solutions, from car manufacturers to local farmers. We even have a scientific basis when it comes to knowing which sustainable ideas are most influental to people, like driving

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electric cars and using solar panels!’ You can read more on the research Green Mimics (Dutch) has done here.

(Picture: crochet brain by Helle Jorgensen)