On March 12th, producers of The Nederlands Film Festival‘s ‘NTR Kort!‘ film program got together with our team, to share what insights they have gained, & what challenges they face in the process of trying to make their films sustainably. The verdict? Dutch film makers express a great desire to collaborate on sustainability, in order to push this progress forward. They have plenty of leverage as the guiding hand on their sets, & can introduce a dialogue on sustainable alternatives with their crew, & service companies. Iris Otten of Pupkin Film, put it this way: “as film production professionals we’re doers, maybe we should aim to become thinkers”.

The results of this thinking & sustainability action, as well as the green-produced films themselves, can be seen at the Dutch Film Festival 2014’s ‘KORT!’ film program premier in September. We will be there to share the findings of our 2014 Green Film Making Project with the film industry as well. It will be an evening to showcase the greening of the film industry in The Netherlands, and we are very much looking forward to it!