We take a bite out of the Big Apple!

On November 5th we will be participating in Film Biz Recycling’s 2nd Annual Eco-Expo, in NYC! The event is born out of Hollywood’s Sustainable Production Movement and brings together businesses and entrepreneurs with new offerings to make responsible...

Juhi Shareef (UK)

In our “Who’s Who in Green Film Making” series will introduce you to the most significant players in the field of Green Film Making. Our mission is to present you with an easy guide for navigating the expanding community of green production. This way, we can keep...

Entirely Local Ham&Cheese Sandwiches?!

The TostiFabriek aims to make ham and cheese sandwiches with ingredients 100% from Amsterdam. With an urban cornfield, two pigs, and three cows, the TostiFabriek team will cultivate grain and livestock from the beginning to end of the food process, to explore the...

sustainable sessions II

Mark your calendars! On October 1st, 2013 The Green Film Making Project is hosting in collaboration with the Dutch Film Fund, and the Netherlands Film Festival, the second installment of our Sustainable Sessions. Come find out what sustainable business really means...