Sustainable Sessions: part one

Want to get involved in sustainability but don’t know where to start? We do! Come to the first of our Sustainable Sessions on the 26th of June in Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam, and get inspired! We have a wonderful line-up, with a.o. Fairphone, Flemish sustainable...

Disposable Coffee Cups NO’MO, with JOCO!

What about all of those disposable coffee cups used on a long day’s shoot?Luckily, our friends in Australia have a solution for the diversion of this coffee related waste. Green your set with the most fabulous and renewable JOCO tea/coffee cup! JOCO cups, have a...

Solar Cinema goes worldwide

‘It could be so easy!’ is one of the statements that The Dutch company Solar Cinema wants to embody. Solar Cinema, is a mobile cinema van powered by, you guessed it, solar energy! The van has solar panels on its roof which can be loaded during daytime and power...