All articles GFM has published in the last 10 years
about sustainability in film and TV.
Ready For Round 2!
Mar 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
Round 1 is over, the deadline for entries to The Green Film Making Competition has passed and the results were fantastic! We received nearly 60 entries!
Now time for Round 2: The Green Film Making Competition workshops due to take place on October 12, 13 and 14.
Unfortunately, there is only place for 40 people at our workshops so the judging is already tougher than we expected… All successful entrants who take part in the workshops will be given the information they need to learn about sustainable film making. After that, up to 6 finalists will be selected and each will receive funds from the Nederlandse Film Fonds to make their short films a reality, that’s Round 3!
We will be in touch with all Round 1 applicants very soon with news of who has made it through to the Green Film Making Workshops. For now, we’d like to recommend all entrants to keep those October workshop dates reserved!
Let Your Creative Juices Flow..and Submit!
Mar 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Just a quick reminder for all filmmakers wanting to be part of the Green Filmmaking Competition. You can submit your entries until september the 8th!
The end date is nearing quickly, but if you have a good idea for a short film and are keen to produce it sustainibly, we encourage you to join us! All you need to do is get your creative juices flowing and make sure that you apply here with some contact info and a short description of your film. Check out all competition rules here.
Remember, you are free to choose the subject and content of your short film, this challenge is all about making the production side of your film (And the Dutch Film Industry in general) greener and more efficient.
We will keep you up to date to reveal the finalists that will join us in some very exciting workshops!
Picture courtesy of Spaces Gallery
Filmsfonds Will Fund Finalists GFMC
Mar 25, 2013 | Uncategorized
We’ve got some great news to share with you!! We welcome a new partner to our Green Film Making Competition: Het Nederlands Filmfonds! (The Dutch
Filmfund) And they have something very special for you…
IF you are one of the 6 remaining finalists of the competition you will not only get to be part of this exciting experience, you will also have a substantial starting budget at your disposal for your film productionl! And..don’t forget to keep your eye on the main prize: the winner of the competition will be rewarded with 20.000 euro!
Filmfonds will be teaming up with the judges to review your submissions. This is going to be a tough race 😉
Luckily, you still have some time left. You can submit your entry form until september the 8th. Good luck!
Oh, and be sure to write this down as well: we’ve got workshops for all contestants lined up on October 12, 13 and 14. These get-togethers will feature an expert panel of film & sustainability experts who will help you with a sustainable and efficient film production.
Animal Actors
Mar 24, 2013 | Art Department
‘There is nothing glamorous about showbiz for primates, big cats, bears, and other animals who are used in television, film, or advertising.’ Says PETA. Not only are animals often exploited, it is not a very animal friendly or sustainable way of dealing with the environment (think of nearly extinct animal species or transporting exotic animals to a set!)
That’s why Director Rupert Wyatt’s film The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes was rewarded for it’s protection of animal rights. Rupert used no real life apes in his film, it was all CGI. This earned him a seal of approval and also a PETA ‘Proggy’ Award, which applauds companies, people, and products for innovative and animal-friendly achievements. It shows that using no real animals can underline a message of environmental awareness. Especially in this film, where humans are the villains and apes are the heroes 😉 Do you have good examples of animal friendly productions? Share them here!
The Green Mindset
Mar 23, 2013 | Production
We love it when a film comes together sustainably. However, it’s not all about ‘ACTION’, a lot of it is in the mindset too 🙂 That’s what Green Mimics is all about. Claire Arens works as a project manager for this company that focusses on setting an example in the entertainment industry.
We don’t often think about it, but film and tv can have a huge impact on us. It can even affect or change our behavior. This is especially true for kids growing up. This is where Green Mimics steps in. Claire tells us: ‘We want to create a dialogue with tv & filmmakers to promote and implement sustainable behavior in their productions. This will ultimately result in a more positive influence on the viewer. We don’t go about this explicitly, like doing tv commercials, we seek out actors and ask them to be positive role models.’ Why not show actors driving in electric cars rather than just talking about it? Green Mimics believes this is the most effective approach of changing ways for the better.
‘We are in talks with many organisations that offer sustainable solutions, from car manufacturers to local farmers. We even have a scientific basis when it comes to knowing which sustainable ideas are most influental to people, like driving
electric cars and using solar panels!’ You can read more on the research Green Mimics (Dutch) has done here.
(Picture: crochet brain by Helle Jorgensen)
No More Trailer Trash
Mar 22, 2013 | Logistics
There is an element that we can hardly imagine any big production Hollywood movie-set without, and that is, ofcourse..drumroll.. the trailer! What would directors, producers and actors do without it? Unfortunately, next to being the only thing faintly reminiscent of home, offering that little bit of privacy people in the entertainment industry so
often desperately seek..these things..ahem ‘mobile homes’ can be pretty damn wasteful too!
Well, good thing is they don’t have to be anymore, because we give you the greener, updated version: meet the Helios, a Solar Hybrid Vehicle, the world’s first Eco trailer prototype (soon to be introduced to the market after extensive testing). It is made by King Kong Production Vehicles Inc and has pretty much everything a green celebrity could wish for, from a bamboo cabinetry to a solar generator. Read all the specifications here!
(Photography by Jacques Olivar)